
글로벌 링크

홈으로 Open Office of the Council Chair Greetings


The Chair of Boryeong City Council PARK SANG MO
Hello, I am PARK SANG MO
the Chair of Boryeong City Council.

Thank you all for visiting the Boryeong City Council website.

This website is an open political space. Please leave your opinions and suggestions here anytime. We would also like to ask for your continued support and interest towards Boryeong City Council so that we could head in the right direction.

Under the slogan, “Boryeong City Council, An Open Council that Communicates and Acts”, we will do our utmost to make a council that makes positive changes, a council that works with the residents, a balanced council and a reliable council.

We will embrace different opinions the residents might have, resolve conflicts between regions and groups, develop visionary policies and provide reasonable and constructive solutions to problems at hand, reaching out and touching the lives and hearts of the residents. We will make sure we build an open council that always work together with the residents and pays attention to even the smallest voices.

Thank you.

The Chair of Boryeong City Council PARK SANG MO

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보